These 10 Habits Will Make You More Productive

Getting the most out of your day often starts with how you kick off your morning. As someone who’s always looking for productivity hacks, I’ve found that the key to a successful day often lies in those first few hours after waking up. Surprisingly, there are certain morning habits that, according to research, can boost […]
Heart attack

A heart attack is a frightening experience. If you have experienced a heart attack, or are close with someone who has, you should know this: You are not alone. In fact, tens of thousands of people survive heart attacks and go on to lead productive, enjoyable lives. As you work toward recovery, the frequently asked […]
Unstable angina

Unstable angina or sometimes referred to as acute coronary syndrome causes unexpected chest pain, and usually occurs while resting. The most common cause is reduced blood flow to the heart muscle because the coronary arteries are narrowed by fatty buildups (atherosclerosis) which can rupture causing injury to the coronary blood vessel resulting in blood clotting […]
Hydrocephalus: A build-up of fluid in the cavities deep within the brain ( water in the brain )

Hydrocephalus– increased accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cerebrospinal fluid system of the brain. Hydrocephalus accompanies many congenital and acquired neurological diseases. Clinically, it is manifested by signs of increased intracranial pressure (headache, nausea, pressure on the eyes), symptoms of compression of brain structures (vestibular ataxia, visual impairment, mental disorders, epileptic seizures) and symptoms characteristic of the […]
hepatosplenomegaly: the enlargement liver and spleen

Hepatosplenomegaly is a secondary pathological syndrome that accompanies the course of many diseases and is characterized by a significant simultaneous increase in the size of the liver and spleen. Clinical manifestations depend on the pathology that led to this condition, common signs are heaviness in the hypochondrium and epigastrium, abdominal pain on palpation. Diagnosis is based on the […]
Adolescents Mental health

One in six people are in the 10-19 age group. Adolescence is a unique, defining period of personality formation. Physical, emotional and social changes, including living in poverty, abuse and violence, can increase adolescents’ vulnerability to mental health problems. Protecting adolescents from adversity, promoting social-emotional skills and psychological well-being, and ensuring access to mental health […]
Lip cancer

Cancer of the lip is a malignant tumor of the stratified squamous epithelium of the red border of the lower or upper lip. Among all tumors of the head and neck, this cancer is 8.4%. This disease is more typical for men – they get sick three times more often than women, mostly over the age of […]
Stroke: cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. The brain is located in the cranium, the spinal cord is located in the spinal canal. For normal functioning, brain cells need oxygen and glucose, which is why their abundant and uninterrupted blood supply is so important. All the centers of regulation of vital […]
Ebola hemorrhagic fever: disease that causes severe bleeding

Ebola is an acute, presumably zoonotic disease from the group of viral hemorrhagic fevers that occurs with a pronounced hemorrhagic syndrome. It has a high mortality rate and is one of the most dangerous viral infections. The first cases of Ebola virus disease were reported in 1976, when two outbreaks of a previously unknown disease […]
Most patients taking antidepressants are unaware of side effects

Nearly half of all prescriptions issued by general practitioners (GPs) in the UK are in one way or another related to neuropsychiatric disorders. However, Mind, a non-profit psychiatric organization, has published a new study showing that less than half of GPs have special training in psychiatry. This leaves thousands of patients on psychotropic drugs unaware of […]
Drug resistance crisis: the threat is rising

Thanks to medicine, humanity has coped with many threats to health and life, but today we are faced with a new type of crisis: dangerous bacteria are becoming immune to drugs designed to destroy them. We have less and less means of counteracting bacterial strains that have developed resistance to antibiotics. What do we do? When an […]
Overuse of antibiotics increase the risk of developing drug resistance | Research

Therapy with antibacterial drugs should be stopped as soon as the goals are achieved, otherwise the risk is unreasonably high that the patient will exceed the threshold point beyond which antibiotics simply lose their effectiveness. Such conclusions are led by another study/research of this problem, undertaken by a team of scientists under the general supervision of […]
Chronic tonsillitis: the inflammation of tonsils

Tonsillitis is one of the most common ENT diseases, especially (but not only) in children. Tonsilla (colloquially tonsils, from Latin “glandula”, iron) – a pair of relatively large palatine tonsils located on both sides of the entrance to the larynx and are part of the pharyngeal lymphoid (lymphadenoid, lit. “lymph glandular”) Pirogov-Waldeyer ring. To date, apparently, […]
Sickle cell disease: the red blood cells disorder

Sickle cell anemia is a severe hereditary disease, also known as drepanocytosis, meniscocytosis, S-hemoglobin disease, Herrick’s syndrome, African hemolytic anemia. For more information about the composition and biological role of blood, about the essence of anemia, see the material “Anemia. Blood and bloodlessness” . Sickle cell anemia is a severe hereditary disease, also known as drepanocytosis, meniscocytosis, S-hemoglobin disease, Herrick’s […]
Urethral stricture: narrowing of the urethra

Strictures are spoken of primarily in urology, meaning a clinically significant narrowing of the lumen of the ureter or urethra. The term “stricture” (lat. “compression, compression, squeezing”) comes from the same root as the name of the genus of boas: boa constrictor in literal translation means “knot-noose”. Strictures are spoken of primarily in urology, meaning a […]
Prostatitis: the inflammation of prostate gland

Glands are called organs that produce and release substances necessary for life. Glands are divided into endocrine (internal secretion) and exocrine (external secretion). The endocrine glands, which together form the endocrine system , produce hormones – special bioactive compounds that perform a regulatory and controlling function in the body; acting directly into the circulatory system, hormones with the […]
Enteroviral infections | infectious illness caused by a group of viruses

Enteroviral infections are an extensive group of diseases caused by a special genus of viruses. The specificity and name of enteroviruses – “intestinal viruses” in translation – are due to the fact that the process of their reproduction proceeds most actively (or exclusively) in the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical manifestations, however, are far from being limited to the […]
Meningitis: Inflammation of membranes of the brain and spinal cord
This is a really serious illness and a dangerous diagnosis, most of us first hear about meningitis in childhood, from parents or caregivers, and this word carries not just a negative, but frankly frightening meaning: if you don’t put on a warm hat, you will get meningitis. But even in adulthood, no, no, but you have […]
Urinary retention (Ischuria) :the inability to empty the full bladder

Urinary retention, or ischuria (the term “urinary retention” is also used) is the inability to empty the full bladder. Ischuria can be expressed in varying degrees; there is both acute development and chronic difficulties with emptying the bladder, and almost always urinary retention is the result of a more general pathology, and not an isolated problem. However, ischuria […]
Gangrene: the death of body tissue

Gangrene is the final phase of necrosis, in which massive cell death at the macroscopic level is manifested by irreversible death and decay of a tissue or organ. About a hundred years ago, the word “gangrene” was terrifying and meant, at best, amputation, but more often – a painful death. However, amputation also did not guarantee […]
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
Inflammatory bowel disease is summarized by the collective name “colitis” Inflammatory bowel disease is summarized by the collective name “colitis”. Depending on the type of flow, localization, clinic, etiology, there are many variants of colitis: acute and chronic; infectious, radiation, ischemic, drug, toxic; catarrhal, erosive, ulcerative, atrophic, spastic; sigmoiditis, proctitis, transversitis, typhlitis, pancolitis, as well as gastroenterocolitis common to […]
Pyelonephritis: inflammation of the kidney as a result of bacterial infection
Pyelonephritis is any infectious and inflammatory process in the kidneys that affects mainly the renal pelvis, as well as the excretory calyces and interstitial tissue that open into it (a loose connective tissue base, or stroma, which fills the space between parenchymal, functional cells of organs). The name “pyelonephritis” comes from the ancient Greek roots […]
Pneumonia Concept, Causes, Symptoms and Management
The word “pneumonia” is widely known today. We are talking about an infectious inflammatory process in the lungs (note that non-infectious pulmonary inflammations are also possible, but they are called differently and are not considered here), This article will deal with the concept of Pneumonia, causes of pneumonia, symptoms of pneumonia and its management. WHO […]