Africa Digital Clinic

Disease prevention, early detection and effective management.

21.7 Sexual Dysfunction

Table of Contents

In Women

May involve decrease or increase sexual responsiveness (persistent genital arousal disorder)

Decrease responsiveness include absence of sexual desire, sexual arousal disorder, orgasmic disorder, vaginismus and dyspareunia

Non pharmacological Treatment

Correction of contributing factor (genital lesion, systemic or hormonal factors and drugs e.g. SSRIs)

Psychological therapies

Use of antidepressants

In men

It is inability to attain and maintain an erect penis with sufficient rigidity for vaginal penetration. Organic causes include neurogenic, vasculogenic, endocrinological as well as many systemic diseases and medications.

Non-Pharmacological Treatment

  • Education counseling
  • Consider the removal of drugs that may be associated with the problem.
  • A change in lifestyle or medications may resolve the problem, e.g. advise cessation of smoking and alcohol abuse.

Pharmacological Treatment 

  • Treat the underlying condition.
  • If persist refer the patient

Note: The use of medication like sildenafil may result to serious problem.

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