Africa Digital Clinic

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16.10 Malocclusions

Table of Contents

Malocclusion is any variation in the arrangement of teeth leading to abnormal occlusion to the extent that may be functionally harmful or aesthetically objectionable.

Diagnostic Criteria

There are several forms of malocclusion

Class I

  • The sagittal arch relationship is normal. The anterior buccal groove of the lower permanent molar should occlude with the anterior buccal cusp of the upper first permanent molar

Class II

  • The lower arch is at least one half a cusp width too far distal to the upper

Class III

  • The lower arch is at least one half a cusp width too far mesial to the upper

Non-Pharmacological treatment

  • Reduce possibility of temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome especially in case of cross bites
  • Reduce risks of traumatic dental injuries especially in overjet
  • Reduce traumatic occlusion and gum diseases and caries especially in crowding
  • Avoid psychosocial effects resulting from to lack of self esteem, self confidence personal outlook and sociocultural acceptability

Orthodontic appliances, either removable or fixed can be used to treat malocclusion. Simple removable appliances are very useful in our local settings especially for mild to moderate malocclusion in teenagers and include retainers or space maintainers.

Fixed orthopedic appliances (braces) are useful in malocclusion which has resulted in relapses of failure after use of removable appliances and moderate to severe malocclusion which cannot be managed by removable appliances. Adolescents and adult patients requiring fixed appliances should be referred to an orthodontist. Preventive orthodontic treatment by serial preventive extraction to create a space for anterior permanent teeth can be done by qualified dental personnel, if in doubt it is recommended to consult an available dental specialist.

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