These includes:
- Squint: eyes are looking in different directions; one eye appears to be turned in or out, in children or in adult. Refer urgently all children who present with squint to Paediatric Eye Tertiary Centre (Muhimbili National Hospital, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre And Mbeya Zonal Referral Hospital).
- Ocular surface disease: The most common ocular surface diseases are pterygium and Squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva.
- Eyelids abnormalities: eyelashes rubbing on cornea (trichiasis), inturned eyelids (entropion), eyelids bent out too much (ectropion), drooping eyelids (ptosis), inability to close the eyes (lagophthalmos)
Refer all patients to health facilities with eye specialist for surgical intervention
Note: Abnormal tissues excised from eye patients should be subjected to pathology examination for proper diagnosis